so it's 2007 .......
Should old acquaintance be forgot and all that jazz ........... so much has happened in the last month i really don't even know where to start.
the weeks leading up to christmas were a busy blur of craziness. christmas concerts, bazaars, shopping, parties, wrapping, baking, planning, stressing, decorating. so much work and so much effort put into one day. that's a hell of a build up and that's probably why i always feel so blue when it's all over.
christmas eve was spent visiting with drew's grandmothers, but of course not at the same time just to make my life a little more difficult. we came home and did the cookie and milk thing for santa and except for my neighbour seeing me in my panties the night went off without a hitch. andrew was in bed by 9:20 thanks to norad tracking santa and telling us he was on his way across the atlantic ocean. wish that trick could work every night.

my top mentions were ....
1) an old printing of the wizard of oz that my step dad got at an antique show.
2) homemade flannelette blanket from my nannie *
3) T-fal pots and bakeware
4) She-ra season one volume 1 (fuck yeah)
5) trivial pursiut totally 80s
6) handmixer **

so i got a little ahead of myself ........ back to the day after christmas. we went to my nannie's house for a pot luck kinda dealy and i have to say the highlight was my nannie playing dance dance revolution. can you say america's funniest home videos?
new year's eve was spent with my brothers and my niece. movies, snacks, up til 4:00am .... you know, that old chestnut. by that time of night though you almost go beyond tired and go on "hummingbird" where you heart feels like it's going to beat out of your chest and you could run around the neighbourhood. the only problem is when you get to that point when you finally crash you crash HARD. my crashing started somewhere around 3:30am when i found myself on the DDR mat.
so that pretty much sums up the holiday season. i'm sure there are things that i forgot, if i remember i'll write them later on.
* i had/have (shhhh) this blanket that my nannie made that is older then me that i stole off my parents bed when i was like 2 and now it's been washed so many times it looked like a bomb went through the middle of it. every time my mother saw it she claimed she was going to steal it and burn it. i told her and my nannie that unless nannie made me a new one i was not getting rid of it. so under the christmas tree was a purple flannelette blankie. :)
** mine caught fire whilst making the christmas cookies.
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