terrell owens ....... will this fucker ever learn?
the answer is no. so did he actually try to kill himself? i can't know for sure but things don't add up to me.
1) the empty pill bottle was lying around but according to T.O. the rest of the pills were just in the drawer. but why on earth would you put pills in a drawer and leave the bottle lying around. why not throw it out? and why would take the pills out in the first place? everyone knows you keep pills in their bottles.
2) the "publicist" (and i use that name in this case loosely) according to the sworn police report says that T.O. was depressed then in the press conference claims she did not say that. why would the police make that up?
3) bill claims he did not know he was at the hospital and knew nothing at all at the time of the press conference. BULLSHIT!! you know someone called him when T.O. was taken to the hospital and he was kept up to date at every moment of the night and the following morning.
now back to the publicist ........ what street corner did he find this gem on? don't publicists normally wear dressy, sharp looking clothes? do they normally sit at a national press conference with their arms crossed and chewing gum like a cow chewing it's cud? and how unprofessional was "he has 25 million reasons to live". not to mention that is a stupid statement because many people who are rich and talented are stressed, depressed and have killed themselves. all i know is i would not want this woman telling me how to handle myself in public.

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